
Production-Ready 3D Locations

Bringing Film Locations to Life


Production-Ready 3D Locations

Bringing Film Locations to Life

Production-Ready 3D brings locations to life

Production-Ready 3D ("PR3D") images are 2D photo overlays blended with a 3D mesh to produce an interactive, immersive 3D model. Once you share your PR3D location on-line, others can experience it almost as if they're there on location. There is no better way to market a location to the film industry, and there’s no better way for the film industry to choose one - then use it. PR3D is location realism on demand. Innovative and high-impact.


Why PR3D?

PR3D Floor Plan View


Until now, the film location selection process has been based heavily on a 2D model: a series of still photos. Productions rely on a collection of photos of a location to make the determination about whether that location is suitable for the production. If they believe it might be, they will typically have to visit the location themselves or hire a scout (or both) to make the final decision.

Even if a video of a location exists, it typically does not do the location justice. A video is often seen in a negative light because the director and/or producer does not want to be influenced by someone else’s view of that location, nor of how someone else has decided to hold the camera.

Consequently, filmmakers, producers, set designers, art departments, and location scouts must rely heavily on time-consuming, on-site physical and technical inspections of the locations they are considering as well as of the locations that have already been selected.

Reel-Scout’s “Production-Ready” 3D models are changing all that. Our PR3D models let viewers visit the space from almost every location angle possible. From wherever they are, viewers will feel as if they're at the location itself without having to leave the comfort of their own office or home. The models are online and can be viewed on any computer, mobile phone, or tablet. It's even possible to plan basic filming logistics just by viewing the PR3D models.


PR3D For Property Owners

Film friendly becomes production ready.

PR3D For Property Owners

Film friendly becomes production ready.

Production-Ready 3D Models

You say your location is film friendly? Make it production ready. Nothing says “Film here!” better than a 3D model. If you want your location to stand out from the crowd, if you want to make it uncommonly easy for your location to be selected, if you want to reduce the number of times it has to be scouted before a decision is made, if you want to preserve your location down to the inch so that you’ll have a record of what it looked like before the production began to use it, a 3D model is your answer.


PR3D For Productions

2D flat becomes 3D immersive.

PR3D For Productions

2D flat becomes 3D immersive.

3D Immersive

The possibilities with 3D models of locations are nearly endless. Look at the model from on-high, spin it around, plan logistics. Dive into the model and walk the halls and the rooms. Float above the floors and see camera angles. View the floor plan, take measurements, make notes, and share those notes with others. Increase collaboration and efficiency. Save time. Save headache. Save money.