Managing your property listing(s) on LocationsHub is a simple process. The links on the left will walk you through the main process of listing your location. Bookmark this page for future reference in case you need a refresher.

1. Log-In to "My Locations"

Once your location is on, you can edit it at any time. Log-in to your account, and click on the My Locations tab on the left.

2. Choose the Location

Click on the thumbnail of the location/property you would like to edit. If you only list one location, the gallery will just display that location. If you have multiple properties listed, choose the one you would like to make changes to.


3. Delete Location

Hover your mouse over the location you’d like to delete and choose the “Trash” icon. When hovered over, each icon will turn red. Click on the “Trash” icon.


A pop-up screen appears asking you to confirm that you’d like to delete your location. If you do, click the “YES” button. Once you click on the “YES” button, your location will be immediately deleted from your account. If you decide to keep the location, click “NO.”